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ShelfLife FAQs can be found below, but if you have any other questions, please email!

Why use ShelfLife over the traditional method of handwriting food prep labels?

ShelfLife takes the hassle off of the employee to correctly write labels. Human error can often lead to food waste, inventory problems or even sick customers! With ShelfLife, there are no mistakes and no getting information wrong. It’s the easiest prep labeling system you could use.

What products do I need to purchase to use ShelfLife?

To get started with ShelfLife, simply answer an few simple questions and we’ll send you a starter package with everything you need – including a bluetooth label printer and a pack of labels. That’s it! No need to purchase an iPad or tablet, the ShelfLife app can be downloaded to any employee’s iOS or Android device.

How do we set up the ShelfLife prep label system for our store?

Once you order the ShelfLife products, setup for this prep label system is simple! First, a restaurant owner or franchisee will complete a simple survey and provide their stores ingredient list. Second, managers or frontline employees download the ShelfLife app from the App Store or Google Play. Third, make sure your printer is plugged into a convenient location. Fourth, open up the ShelfLife app and click ‘ALLOW’ for the app to use location services and Bluetooth. Last, select the prep label quantities and print them out. That’s it!

How many devices are allowed for each store?

Unlimited devices! Any employee can use the ShelfLife app at any time without worrying about another employee also using it. 

Can the ShelfLife system be updated if our store adds new products or food items?

Absolutely. You can update ShelfLife with new products or food items at any time. We want our prep labeling system to be as up to date as you need it to be! Simple send us your new ingredients and we’ll get them added to your location.